Change Habits To Change Your Lifestyle

foortuud dsfsf
5 min readNov 7, 2020

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Have you ever thought about changing habits to change your lifestyle? Changing your habits little by little is one of the key principles of change. It seems obvious, but I assure you that many people do not pay this due attention. They are the same ones who complain, who say they can’t take it anymore, who make long lists of things that don’t work … But they are also the same ones who end up repeating the same actions every day.

How can you think you can make a change if you are not willing to accept any changes in your daily routine? Unless a truly dramatic external event occurs, nothing can change without any effort on our part. Do you agree?

At this juncture, changing habits to change your lifestyle is a valid and effective way to achieve this transformation. But I’ll tell you right away: it’s not a downhill road.

Change habits to change your lifestyle

You need to change habits to change your lifestyle, but also to give yourself different possibilities than you have now, options that at present may not be entirely satisfactory.

If “dissatisfaction” is a term that sets off an alarm bell in you, think about it: your change is the only tool you can control to be able to change even what surrounds you.

However, your change must take place in a targeted and systematic way. I’m not interested in talking about when you find yourself pushed to change in reaction to an external event that is not under your control. When this happens, you are simply at the mercy of the whims of fate, of luck. There is nothing you can do about it and you have no power over the direction your life might take.

The change I want to tell you about is what leads you to adopt a new routine to face life differently than before, to change habits to change your lifestyle, to make your own way of doing things that can affect and transform your perception of the world.

When you work on your habits, you are committing to make a structural change that changes your foundation as a person.

The energy to change

It seems really elementary and logical, but we often find ourselves entangled in a negative life condition and we don’t realize that our efforts to get out of it are zero. We didn’t even think of a solution, lifted a finger, nothing. In practice, we are not doing anything that can make us hope for some improvement.

It is therefore essential first of all to understand if we really want to make a real change in our daily life. Is there this desire? Are you ready to collect and use all your energy to make it happen?

The point is, you can never change your life if you don’t start changing the way you conduct your days. If there is something you don’t like, if you want a different future, you have to face the fact that something needs to be changed for you to start seeing the transformation you desire.

You have to find your motivation, your energy, be 100% firm and sure that’s what you want. Not because you won’t be able to go back, but because it would be an incredible waste of time.

If you are convinced that you want to become a master of your future, start your journey. Look inside and evaluate what your resources, your strengths, what your real desires are. Also, consider what fears are holding you back and the excuses you tell yourself for never really facing your inner obstacles. Finally, set your own goal and define as much detail as possible.

Don’t be held back by the fear of making mistakes. And don’t get lost in the “ifs” and “buts” loops. After all, it is always time to change course.

Choose the person you want to be

Our habits are much more closely connected to our history than we think.
Most of the time, when we repeat a behaviour until it becomes a habit we are responding to specific stimuli, external to us and that we have not chosen. If you think about it, in fact, most of our habits derive from the education imparted to us by our parents, others are perhaps functional to the work we do, still, others were born by pure chance due to a contingency of events.

How many of our habits have we chosen with knowledge and awareness? How many have we “built voluntarily”?

Yet we have this power and we can use it to our advantage. We can choose which habits we want to acquire, choose to shape our days based on the goal we have set ourselves, choose which decisions to make based on the type of person we have decided to become. To do this, we must learn to use the time available to us.

The value of your time

Time is invaluable. Think about it in this light: if the key to changing your lifestyle are habits, and habits are built one small step at a time every day, then knowing how to use your time becomes fundamental. This ability is the foundation of your revolution.

Building habits that are healthy for you and that lend themselves well to your goals in the short and long term will only be possible if you learn to attribute the right value to time and recognize its infinite potential.

Learn to manage time and make it your most precious ally. It is only by learning to act now, without postponing your every potential change, that you can begin to have a strong impact on your tomorrow.

It is crucial to realize that change must cost you energy. If what you are doing does not require effort, it means that it is not giving you anything that can enrich you and make you grow. You are not facing anything that can take you further than where you are now.

Do you know what a good sign is? The moment you feel that you are sweating, struggling, drawing on every ounce of energy in your body to face the obstacle in front of you. When you feel that you are getting your hands dirty. When you are exhausted from trying.

And don’t forget: there’s never a better time than now to start building your tomorrow.

